Badminton in Sutton and Carshalton

WestwoodBadmintonClub-1868Westwood Badminton Club – a friendly, intermediate standard club, playing in Sutton every Thursday evening. No club fees, just pay-as-you-play each evening. A warm welcome given to new players, 4 courts and around 24 players each session, and a very relaxed attitude to our badminton. Many very good players, but plenty of room for a range of mixed abilities; however no beginners as that wouldn’t be fair on the others.  Average age of players is from 30s to 70s (very young 70s! ). We have a modern, well appointed sports hall at Sutton High School for Girls. Read all about the club on the other pages of this website. This club has been going since 1977, in Carshalton and Sutton, and we’ve been at Sutton High School for Girls for many years now. Although many of our people have been with us for a long time, there is a constant turnover of players, and always several new faces. We currently have a waiting list of over 15 wanting to join, so we are very much in demand. But don’t let that put you off, we will always be pleased to hear from new people, and if you are on the waiting list, we WILL eventually get back to you.


